ABC '05

Annual Bro's Camping Trip - Pinecrestpage37_10 page37_11

This year we headed for the cool air and tall trees of Pinecrest... just a few miles from the Dodge Ridge Ski Resort. Besides me getting sick on Thursday (and not from drinkin') it was an awesome camping trip. The kids rode their bikes all day long and then went and saw a couple of movies at night on the outdoor screen across the road. On our second day me and KW headed out to Dodge Ridge, and by OUT I mean UP. KW did great on his inaugural climb (3.5 miles and about 1200 feet of climbing). Fred and Twon met us at Dodge Ridge. We headed up a mile or so (and over 2,000 feet) while mostly carrying the bikes and then bolted downhill on the double track (and very bumpy) trails. I had no idea that the ski runs doubled as bike trails in the off-season. Click here for pics of the trip.