I Know! It's Been a While

... well, only a month! But what a month indeed, December flew by... ChristmasEve and New Years have passed... what a fast year. Nothing rings in the new year quite like the G&M combo birthday party! So, check out the picture pages... there's plenty of catching up to do. So, first, Merry Christmaspage0_1 page0_2 page0_3 and nothin' says Christmas like new babies... there's plenty of pics of Audrey... since she just loves having a camera in front of her... she's such happy baby... probably because she is always thinking about her favorite uncle (Matt) and aunt (Dawn).

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Also... what's Christmas without a kid in a box... here's another niece, 'lizabeth, fitting nicely in a box that Santa brought. page0_7 Happy Birthday Gianna & Maryssa... cool party.... glad you're old uncles and cousins got to hang out, too. page0_8