2010 - Some Stuff I Did...
/Twenty-ten (or two thousand and ten) was a great year. I experienced a few firsts, met some amazing people, and, in general, had a blast. After Forbes named Stockton the second most miserable city in America, Rod and I had the opportunity to be on KXTV and KCRA (and Rod finished the trifecta with his solo appearance on KTXL.
I helped a friend get his Kickstarter project, The Amazing Fist, funded, by producing the promo video.
To help raise money and awareness of sexual violence against women, I walked a mile in high heels. Ouch!
I joined the Stockton Earth Day Festival committee and served as emcee for the annual event at Victory Park.
Along with my partner in crime, Rod, I co-emceed the SJDC Media Fest. We even found a way to show up wearing nearly identical shirts.
With the help of many great friends, I had the chance to perform Podcast Stockton Live at the Taste of San Joaquin and Way Out West BBQ Competition.

Dressed up as the Mad Hatter, and along with Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, we particpated in the Library & Literacy Foundation’s Trivia Bee. We didn’t do any better than my past teams, but due to a rules change, we made it to the second round (the rule change was to allow all teams to compete in the second round).
Wes, Rod and I held our second and third Stockton Tweetups, bringing social media enthusiasts together in real-life.
What a year!
Goodbye 2010. Hello 2011.