The Tiny Half-Marathon
Last Saturday, I completed the inaugural "Tiny" Half Marathon, my first half-marathon.
Having started running late last year, I was eager to run in my first half-marathon.
Right from the start, all of the advice I had heard from my runner friends was to keep it slow...
So I started off slow... or so I thought. I started my time on Strava more than a minute before the race started... so what I thought was a slow pace for the first mile was actually pretty fast. At mile 2 I finally figured that out and dropped my pace a bit.
My personal goal was to finish the 13.1 miles without stopping or walking. Even though I tried to not get a number stuck in my hand, I was pretty sure I could finish in 2:07:00.
The course was cool and interesting. Having seen some of Galt on my bike, it was nice to see it a little slower.
And it was great to see some friends like Frank, Row, and David.
Near the end, after barely getting over the massive climb at mile 12 (the highway 99 overpass) I knew I was going to finish the run but had no sense what my time was. When I turned the corner, no more than 50 meters from the finish line, I saw the time has just passed the 2 hour mark!
I was pretty pumped that I completed the race in just over 2 hours! My official time was 2:00:36.