Well, Naughty Nicks closed with little fanfare (see Times, they are a changin' and Recordnet article). Mike and I never made it for a ceremonial game of snooker but when we heard they would be auctioning everything away on February 24th we knew we had to be there.

We got there early in the morning, registered, got our bidder numbers and made it in to the building to inspect the hundreds of items that would be sold before heading back outside to wait for the auctioneer to begin. Pool tables, video games, pinball machines and tons of little nick knacks (no pun intended) were tightly packed in to the back half of the building. On my list was a couple of the Ms. Pac Man cabaret and cocktail table games, the famous table #9 - the 6x12 snooker table where we learned to play the game, and of course two very specific items: that crazy old-fashioned bike and the big wall clock.
The videos games went quickly and were very overpriced. The pool tables started to go dirt cheap so I called Dawn to tell her I might be bringing home a snooker table. I ended up losing table #9 but had a couple of bids that forced the winner to pay a hefty premium for it.
Then, as the weather worsened, everyone moved inside and we got closer and closer to the two remaining items I was hoping to take home. I could live without a game or a pool table but I really wanted that bike and that clock. There didn't seem to be that much interest for the bike but a lot of people were looking to bring that clock home.
The pictures below tell the rest of the story. I got the bike and the clock! Sure, I could have found a replica boneshaker / penny-farthing bike at any number of places and I'm sure that 42" wall clocks are easy to come by, but I wanted these particular ones.
After getting the handle bar reattached (thanks Fred) I have tried to ride the bike but have not been able to reach the pedals. I'm still looking for a taller volunteer to take it on a test ride. Ron said it is ridable... not sure about that though.

It took us some time to find a place in the living room to hang the clock and then to get the right hardware to do it safely. Finally, this past weekend, we did it. I can't get over the fact that the Naughty Nicks clock is hanging up in my living room.

I was lamenting with a good friend recently (one with whom I spent a lot of time with at Naughty Nicks) and he reminded me, "...the memories of the past places that I hung out as a teen are not nearly as precious and memorable or valuable as the people that graced my time and being then...". I agree! And I'm still a sentimental ol' sap and think of the great friends I had and have every time I see the Naughty Nicks clock.