How To Accept Interview Feedback

Hearing "no" is a normal part of a job search. Of course, by the very nature of a job search, there will be many more people hearing no than hearing yes. When a candidate hears "no" from the recruiter or hiring manager, or they receive one of those vague rejection letters, they can be left with that empty and helpless feeling. If you get the "no", it's completely natural to want to know what you could have done better.

But, you will almost never know. Move on to your next lead.

So, don't expect to get feedback. Well, not any useful feedback that is.

For those very rare times you get feedback about your interview performance, here's what you should do:

  1. Write everything down. If it's over the phone, write as fast as you can. If it's in person, smile, nod your head, and as soon as you get away, write it all down.
  2. Say thank you. Don't ask any questions. Just say thank you.

The biggest mistake candidates make when getting feedback is that they try to justify themselves. Anything other than a simple "thank you" can come across as ungrateful and give the impression that you want to go through your excuses.

Leave a good impression by staying professional and just thanking the interviewer.