10,000 Miles in 5 Years

10000-3Tonight, on Harney Lane, east of Devries Road and west of Davis Road, I achieved my 10,000 mile goal - nearly a month before my fifth anniversary on the bike. Last December I set the goal to reach that number on or before July 16, exactly five years since I started riding. In order to make my goal, I’d need to ride over 1,800 miles in just over six months. For many riders I know that would not be much of a challenge, but given that I only rode 1,100 miles last year, 1,065 in 2006 and 1,800 in 2005, hitting 1,800 in half a year was going to be tough.

To mark the occasion, here are some stats.

2003 1,179.21 miles 2004 2,951.92 2005 1,804.92 2006 1,065.19 2007 1,174.64 2008 1,832.67

10,008.55 miles 7/16/03 - 6/19/08 678:25:27 15.157 average speed 391 rides

trek_1000_sm_2003 3,481 miles on Trek1000

05RoubaixComp20_l 6,519 miles on Specialized Roubaix

I’ve met a lot of great people being out on my bike and I know I’m not winning an award here but I did want to thank a few particular people.

Mike and Harold - I’ve logged over 1,600 with these two guys after I met them in ’06. I had been off the bike for a few months and just ventured out for a slow spin. After a few miles I saw them ahead of me and fought against my legs to catch up with them. After that ride we stayed in touch and I have truly enjoyed getting to know them and sharing quite a few Sundays with them. Two kinder and more generous guys would be tough to find.

Chuck - the friend that got me into cycling. I kept talking and talking and talking about riding. Well, he was the one that told me to shut up and buy a bike. I did and then a few weeks later he showed up at my door and proceeded to kick my butt every ride I ever did with him. “Cycling rewards consistency” was the only thing he said to me more often than, “c’mon!”. He gave up a lot of his time to ride with me and Bill (the Newman Bike Club) and eventually taught me how to climb. He doesn’t ride anymore but I still hear him in my ear every time I go uphill. He was the one to show me what became my favorite ride: Mt. Diablo, which I re-visited 19 times. Now Chuck, get back on your bike!

Dawn, Emily and Makenzy - my awesome family. I am so lucky to have your unconditional support. You have never, not even once, complained about the time I spend on my bike and are always waiting for me to hear all about my ride, sometimes in excruciating detail. Every moment I spend on the bike is a moment away from you guys and I appreciate that you support my crazy hobby (is that what it’s called). I love you!

My bros - you’ve even gone out and rode with me (some more than others) and you all have always made me feel like Lance Armstrong. Let’s ride!

Starting at about mile 8,700 I started taking a picture every time I hit 100 miles. Check out my 100 Miles at a Time pics on Flickr. Also, check out my other ‘bike’ related posts here.


By the way, for friends and family that think 1,800 miles in 6 months, or 10,000 in 5 years, is a lot, check out Michael Buckingham! This guy puts on some major miles. Check out his blog here.

My next goal? To reach my next 10,000 in 1,239 days - that’s November 11, 2011 - less than 3.5 years. At just under 3k miles per year I’m pretty confident I can hit that one before Mike and I turn 40!

Ride on! Ride on!