Extravaganza 2008

Last weekend, we celebrated the 28th Extravaganza at the National Hotel in Jackson, California. We drove up on Friday night and had a grand ol’ Extravaganza type night. 2609733868_960aeb21bc

On Saturday we had our normal get together which was made even more entertaining by a stunning theatrical performance by FNGs Randy and Sue. They had a (fake) speech planned that got everyone thinking they were leaving early because of something someone said about them. Sue even brought out the tears and everyone was up in arms. A few of us noticed her husband video-taping the whole thing and grew increasingly skeptical. After a few minutes they finished their joke to roaring applause... good one guys.

Hope and Joe hid the flag this year and a few of us spent hours in the heat looking for it. In the end, Randy followed the hints and grabbed the prize... now he has to come back next year.

I especially had a good time being scared out of my mind, not once, but twice, when Hope and then Grace snuck in my room. I was not expecting Hope and wondered why Grace was trying to distract me. When I went back and found Grace there a few minutes later I really freaked out. Even though I expected her to be there, it still scared the crap out of me. Dawn and I even got Mike pretty good when she walked away and “accidently” didn’t shut the door all the way. C’mon! Really? Well, Mike fell for it and hid out in our room for a minute, amazed at the prize he just fell into, until I jumped out of the darkness yelling, “did you really think we’d let you in like that!”

Extravaganza ’08 was a blast... only 360 more days ‘til the next one!

Click here for the pics that were fit to publish.